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Kalerm automatic coffee machine China redinternational model

2017-12-07 14:21


(The 3rd Global SME Summit)

Recently, the third Global SME Summit washeld in Shanghai, and Obama's China speech was held at the same time. Kalerm'snew commercial model K series automatic coffee machine was invited to providefreshly ground coffee service at the conference site, and the Kalerm 1601 ChinaRed was presented to the former President of Germany Mr. Wulff.


(Speech by former U.S. President BarackObama)

In addition to Mr. Obama, former Presidentof the United States, Mr. Wulff, former President of Germany, there are alsomore than 50 global political leaders such as former Secretary-General of theUnited Nations Kofi Annan and Ban Ki-moon. With the theme of "Building NewMomentum and Starting a New Journey", the summit brought togetherpolitical and business leaders, as well as more than 2,600 entrepreneurs frommanufacturing, financial services, modern services, real estate and otherfields from all over the world to discuss the development of global smes underthe new situation. (Excerpt from network)


(Mr. Wang Meng, CEO of Kalerm and Mr.Wulff, former President of Germany)

As we all know, the standard of thenational gifts is very high, China's national gifts generally includeporcelain, silk, tea and other well-known at home and abroad, on behalf of theChinese symbol of the characteristic products, this time the coffee machine hasthe honor to present to the former president of Germany Mr. Wulff, reflectingthe summit organization of the coffee machine quality recognition.


(K1601L commercial automatic coffee machineat the summit site)

The brand influence of Kalerm coffeemachine continues to rise, in 2016 to serve the Hangzhou G20 Summit, this yearis as a national gift to the embassies of Brazil, Indonesia and other countriesof origin of coffee beans, which can be said to represent a higher level ofChinese quality products. Kalerm itself is also constantly increasing itsinvestment in research and development, and the strength of the research anddevelopment team continues to increase, highlighting Kalerm's high confidencein the made in China brand.

Today's Kalerm can be said to have become arepresentative enterprise of Chinese manufacturing. Set R & D, production,sales and service of automatic coffee machine as one, will be more and morewonderful on the road of commercial automatic coffee machine, let the worldwitness the quality of China.