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Striving to fulfill the mission: A trip tothe Embassy of Kalerm

2017-06-29 14:30

In response to the national "Belt andRoad" initiative to build a comprehensive "coffee road", on June20 and 21, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce organized representatives ofdomestic coffee enterprises and chambers of Commerce to visit the embassies ofthe world's major coffee producing countries in depth. As a member of theSuzhou Coffee Western Restaurant Industry Chamber of Commerce and coffeeequipment manufacturer, Demonstrate the full automatic coffee machine of KalermFresh Mill and give a panoramic description of coffee culture.

As an active responder of the "Beltand Road" initiative, Kalerm accompanied the delegation to visit theEthiopian Embassy, the Indonesian Embassy and the Brazilian Trade PromotionAgency.


(Kalerm at the Ethiopian Embassy meetingsite)

Embassy of Ethiopia

Ethiopia is the birthplace of the famousArabica coffee beans. Zhou Qiang, Deputy Director of the Circulation IndustryPromotion Center of the Ministry of Commerce, Assaye Alemaiu, EthiopianMinister Counsellor in China, and Teshum Hamito, Commercial Counsellor,attended and spoke at the event. Relevant people from Ethiopia traveled far toChina to participate in the event. The two sides exchanged views on thedevelopment of the coffee industry and strengthening international coffee tradecooperation. (Excerpt from network)


(Kalerm fresh grind automatic coffeemachine on site)

During the intermission, the participantsused the coffee mill automatic coffee mechanism to make coffee. Friends fromthe embassy and producing areas praised the coffee quality of the automaticcoffee machine and the function of the one-click cappuccino, and said that theyhad the opportunity to visit the coffee machine factory and jointly promote thepopularization of the coffee industry.


(From right to left: Zhou Qiang, DeputyDirector of the Distribution Industry Promotion Center of the Ministry ofCommerce, Su Geng, Ambassador of the Indonesian Embassy in China, and WangMeng, General Manager of Kalerm)

Embassy of Indonesia

Indonesia is one of the best coffeeproduction places in the world, Ambassador Counsellor of the Indonesian Embassyin China and Deputy Director of the Ministry of Commerce Zhou Qiang attendedthe event and made a speech. The two sides reached a consensus on thedevelopment and in-depth cooperation of the coffee industry. During theexchange, General manager of Kalerm Wang Meng introduced the functions of Kalermautomatic coffee machine to Mr. Ambassador in detail, and made coffee on siteto share with you. Friends have praised the ease of use and high quality of theautomatic coffee machine.


(Kalerm Fresh Mill Automatic coffee machinein the Indonesian Embassy)

It is worth mentioning that during themeeting time, the advantages of the automatic coffee machine of Kalerm, whichhas been widely used as a coffee machine for various business occasions, arefully reflected by the fast coffee production, bringing high-quality and fastfreshly ground coffee to the participants.


(Photo of Chinese participants at theIndonesian Embassy event)


(Photo of General Manager Wang Meng andCommercial Counselor of the Brazilian Embassy in China)

Brazilian Trade Promotion Agency

Brazil is the world's largest coffeeproducer, producing one-third of the world's coffee. During the exchange, thetwo sides shared in-depth views on how to promote the development of China'scoffee market. General Manager Wang Meng is explaining that as a fullyautomatic coffee machine brand enterprise, he is also grateful for theopportunity to go deep into Brazil, a coffee country, so that Brazilian friendscan also more convenient to drink a cup of good coffee. The commercialCounselor of the Brazilian Embassy in China also gave full recognition,provided suggestions and experience sharing, and expressed his willingness toprovide resource support for the discovery of the coffee business of bothsides.


(Group photo of participants of theBrazilian Trade Promotion Agency)

The coffee machine appeared in theembassies of the major countries where the coffee beans originated, and as anational gift to the ambassadors and counselors of various countries, on theone hand in response to the national "Belt and Road" call, on theother hand, for China's coffee equipment and coffee industry to the world tobring good opportunities.


In China, Kalerm has been widely used as ahotel coffee machine/convenience store coffee machine/office coffee machine anda series of business/home/commercial coffee machine, in a series of largeinternational conferences, Kalerm automatic coffee machine also emerged, G20summit coffee machine, "One Belt and One Road" summit internationalForum coffee machine are Kalerm brand. As General manager Wang Meng said: Wehope that more friends can easily drink a cup of freshly ground coffee. To thisend, Kalerm will continue to improve, strive to practice, is committed tobecome China's most professional coffee equipment and the best coffee productsenterprise.