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Kalerm (the fourth phase) nationalafter-sales training and technical exchange meeting was successful

2019-07-15 13:52

From July 11th to 12th, the fourth phase ofthe national After-sale training and technical exchange meeting wassuccessfully held in Suzhou. More than 200 coffee industry professionals camefrom all over the country, so that the company deeply realized everyone'sattention to this exchange meeting and the urgent need to learn automaticcoffee machine technology!


(Kalome 2019 Technical Exchange trainingsite)

Mr. Meng Wang, General Manager of Kalerm,delivered the opening speech, saying: "Kalerm is happy to organizeeveryone together to make a small contribution to the technology and service ofcoffee machines in China." At the scene, Guo Anmo, head of domestic marketof Kalerm, Wang Guanghui, R&D director of Kalerm, Dong Huisheng, productmanager of Internet of Things of Kalerm, delivered a speech, and Hua Congquan,deputy general manager of East China Region of Haoze Water Purification, wasinvited to share the development trend of the water purification industry andthe after-sales service standard of Haoze water purification.


(Kalome K95 iot coffee machine operationtraining)

The technical exchange training session,led by Chen Daocai, director of after-sales technical service of Kalerm, firstfocuses on the introduction of the IoT platform and the actual operation of thecloud platform, followed by the version upgrade operation and RFID module ofthe professional basic products, and then the application sharing of theself-water purification device, and finally the technical characteristics andactual operation of the K95 Internet of Things coffee machine.


(Speaking by representatives of technicalengineers of Kalerm)

High-quality service can not be separatedfrom the hard work of every engineer, this technical exchange invited severalengineer representatives to speak, to share their growth and harvest.


(Kalerm Automatic Coffee Machine SkillCompetition)

The annual skills competition, stillreceived everyone's attention, the enterprises sent technical representativesfor skills competition, the competition is divided into basic partsdisassembly, practical problem simulation, theoretical written test threelinks, the contestants passed the five points, the final three partners won thecash prize, the company also won the Internet of Things coffee machine!


(Training certificate issued by KalermTechnical Exchange)

Two days of technical exchanges andtraining, the participants are full of harvest, after the end of the skillsassessment, each participant partner has a Kalerm iot coffee machine trainingcertificate issued.


(Visit the coffee machine factory of Kalerm)

Finally, Kalerm also led the participantsto visit the Kalerm coffee machinery manufacturing plant, so that everyoneunderstand the MES system (manufacturing process management system),manufacturing execution system MES, through the effective collaboration ofvarious modules in the MES system, intelligent manufacturing and intelligentmanagement, to achieve our products rest assured. Kalerm is currently one ofthe few coffee machine companies to adopt advanced manufacturing methods.


Every technical exchange is an opportunityto learn and grow together. Through such exchanges, the technical level oftechnical engineers and enterprises will be improved, so as to promote thedevelopment of the coffee industry. Focusing on commercial automatic coffeemachines, Kalerm has become the preferred brand for hotels, convenience stores,bakery shops, tea shops and other occasions. Kalerm is willing to work togetherwith industry colleagues to strive for the cause of coffee machine in China!